Saturday, August 13, 2011

12 Weeks and Tough, Sad Days

Yesterday was a tough day in a number of ways.  I started the day earlier than usual to go into work.  As I was standing in the kitchen after I woke up, I felt a gush of something.  I honestly thought I had peed in my pants.  I ran to the bathroom, and to my surprise there was red blood everywhere, it was all over my shorts and panties and also filling the toilet.  I panicked and started to scream.  I couldn't believe this was happening. I thought it was a dream.  Chuck ran into the bathroom and we both started to cry.  I don't think either of us knew what to do, we were both in such a panic. I was shaking as I tried to get dressed, then we both jumped in the car and headed to the emergency room.  We were both in tears and very quiet on the way there.  All I kept thinking is how could this be happening, I'm 2 days from my 12 week mark.  Isn't this supposed to be when things like this stop happening.  When we arrived at the hospital, I was so hysterical I could barely talk to the receptionist.  Since I wasn't quite 12 weeks, they made me stay in the ER instead of sending me to the OB unit.  They immediately put me in a bed and took a lot of blood.  The nurses tried to calm me down and reassure me that this is sometimes completely normal and the baby may be perfectly fine.  After we waited for what seemed like forever, the doctor came in and did an exam and ultrasound.  When we saw our perfect little baby with the little heart beating strongly, I was immediately in tears.  In tears of relief.  The doctor said the baby's movement and heartbeat were good and the cervix was closed.  The baby measured 11 weeks and 5 days, exactly on track.  They couldn't tell me where the bleeding came from.  It could have been the vanishing twin, it could have been the bicornuate uterus, or sometimes they say it just happens possibly from a tear somewhere.  So though I was relieved to see our baby, I was still worried about not knowing what caused this.  The doctor said I had a 98% chance of having a very normal pregnancy and baby.  The hospital sent me home with a diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage and papers on how to deal with a miscarriage, that just made me feel worse.  I'm a nervous wreck right now, so please keep our baby in your prayers.
I talked with my doctor, which will definitely be the high risk office now.  They reassured me again this might not be a concern and some women bleed through their entire pregnancy.  I was told to drink 3 liters of water a day, stay on bed rest this weekend, and no more working out.  I was trying to work out to keep my weight stable and not gain too much, so much for that.  But I don't care right now, if I can have a healthy baby I will worry about the weight later.  I have an ultrasound pic I will post shortly.
I also said goodbye to my best friend's grandma yesterday.  It was so extremely sad, she was one of the most amazing women I ever knew.  She was so incredibly strong and such a sweet little lady.  I love my friend and her family so much, they are such wonderful people and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

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